Industry News
India: e-commerce with organics is well underway
Updated:2017-02-22 11:20:00Source:http://en.gnfexpo.comClick:
Core prompt:In 2016 India had about 160 million online shoppers According to a study by US market research company eMarkete
In 2016 India had about 160 million online shoppers. According to a study by US market research company eMarketer, they generated turnover of the equivalent of more than 23 billion US dollars. Compared with 2015 that was a rise of almost 76%. Forecasts of double-digit growth by 2020 show the potential that online trade offers in this emerging country. Many online retailers have invested in selling organic products, natural cosmetics and natural textiles and their businesses has proved to be successful. Two examples are OrganicShop and BigBasket.
But for India's organic food exporters,If they want to develop the international market, they often consider China as the first station, then will be some European countries.
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