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Eating Organic Food Can Make People Live Longer and Healthier

Updated:2015-12-10 10:51:27source:http://en.gnfexpo.comClick:
Core prompt:Eating organic food can make people live longerAbout this topic, we interviewed Mr Yun--president of Korea Organic
Eating organic food can make people live longer 
About this topic, we interviewed Mr.Yun--president of Korea Organic Farming Association. 


and he told us that their family eat this organic food every day and proved that all people are longevity with high intelligence, for example, he have been more or less 70 year old, but when we meet him for the first time,we all think he is more or less 50 yeas old with black hair.


For details, you can see video of this interview in our Shanghai organic food expo:
meanwhile,Mr, Yun, also told us about South Korea's organic agriculture development: Organic agriculture bloomed from this movement and has been growing ever since. South Korea now has 8,000 farms with around 20,000 acres of farmland. About 3 percent of these farms are organic, and the domestic organic food market has been growing by more than 40 percent a year.
Since the 1980s, the South Korean government has been offering subsidies to promote organic agriculture. Organic farmers receive the equivalent of about $300 per acre per year for the first three years of transition to organic. They receive substantial organic input subsidies, supportive funding and consultation, partial coverage of the certification fee, funding for training and subsidies for facilities.

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